An international TV production
(to be broadcasted in French, Canadian, Danish, Chinese Television and SVT, 2016):
A Chair for Wu Jing is the amazing story of a blind Chinese girl, who sees no limits in her handicap. At the age of 28 she already has a career as a world-class athlete behind her. Now an accomplished professional flutist living in Sweden, she wants to surprise the world by becoming the first blind musician ever to play in a symphony orchestra. This requires the inventive genius of inventor Ellen Sundh and Runo Andersson. Their challenge is to make the conductor’s hands “visible” to Wu Jing. Cameras will record the hand movements and convert them to sensor impulses on Wu Jing’s body, enabling her to play in sync with the other musicians. But will Wu Jing’s dream come true? Wu Jing’s flute teacher is enthusiastic: “She’s got such talent and energy.” The conductor is in doubt: “It would take a magician to translate my movements to impulses!” But the inventor has an idea…
Se filmen här:
Director: Lotta Hellman
Editor/producer: Tell Aulin, Deep Sea Productions.
PĂĄ Svenska blir det:
WU JINGS DRĂ–M –Â En samproduktion mellan Deep Sea Productions och Sveriges Television.
”Wu Jings dröm” är filmen om den unga blinda kinesiska flöjtisten, som kom till Sverige med en till synes omöjlig föresats: hon ville bli den första blinda musikern i världen att spela i en symfoniorkester.
Hon kan inte se noterna när hon spelar, hon kan inte se dirigenten.
Finns det verkligen ett sätt att uppfylla hennes dröm?